This is a character idea from when Lancaster was beginning to work for Eclipse. Originally I had a story sequence where Eclipse push Lancaster through a rigorous boot-camp type scenario, complete with a Lee Ermy-type drill seargent.
During this ordeal, Lancaster would have met up with Gus and various other recruits for Eclipse, and it would also be where Lancaster discovered that Eclipse was sniping his technology and using it for their products.
Of course I bypassed all that and just made Lancaster a field trainer. How nice of me!

This is a design for a character that I didn't really like too much. Obviously he's an older character, where most of the characters in the comic are between 20 and 28. I may come back to this character, but I wasn't a big fan of how his design was turning out, so I ditched the premise of his story.

This little guy should be recognizeable to some of you older readers; it's the hulking, ghost-eating beast, Gormothyn! This is the first design I made of Gormothyn, but when I went back to prepare Episode 5, I souldn't locate the original image. I had to redesign her as best I could, but maybe it was for the best.
Originally, Gormothyn would appear in three stages; the tiny bug form, which would be wandering around in different parts of the background, the mysterious cocoon that would be found later, and then would hatch into the terrifying Gormothyn. Obviously I went a different way with this story, as there is no larva and the cocoon looks vastly different. The larva, when it shows up in the comic (...if! I meant if!) will look different as well.

Finally, this large character is another whole story idea I developed. It involved a taxidermist who would use ghosts to posess stuffed animals to do horrible things at his whim. He used lots of leftover animal parts to construct a massive creature with a ghost posessing every different part of him. Especially formidable, as the taxidermist would keep thread, needle, and a sack full of spare animal parts with him and would instantly repair any damaged part of his hulking creation.
I really like this idea, and I think I may use it as a future story, but do some more designs to the character and a lot more tweaking to the story.
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