A Real Chicken-Duck

Usually when I design a character, I can get the design I want in very few tries. Dane is a prime example of 'hitting the nail on the head', so to speak, but there are quite a few other characters who go through design after design after design before they look the way I want them to. Both Terrance and Rufus are prime examples of this, as you'll soon see.
Dane is also one of the half of the cast that actually has a last name. Dane's first name comes from one of the most awesome people I've ever known. Every now and then, I'll name a character after someone I know in real life who is particularly important to me. Moe Jayas, anyone?
Other times, I'll name them after something else. Lancaster and Belknap both have these kind of names. They're named after something, but they're not towns. You'll have to wait for a later post to uncover that mystery!
I can usually only get a good premise and a short history on the first couple tries. Whenever I draw a character it takes a forest of paper for me to find something that actually works out...
I've been there, man. Seriously, I went through like, 500 redesigns before I got the Terry we all know and love today :D
Dane is a great designed character, rather simple in a basic model sheet form, very iconic and could work as a standard cartoon duck. But then you throw in his twitching, hunching, cowering and overall fear, and he becomes something else entirely.
It's wonderful.
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