Gus Goes Home

I purposefully left the ending of this ambiguous, because sometimes I like for you, the reader, to fill in some of the story gaps and have something to think about. Here, you can decide if Gus's family are either ghosts, or just a complete delusion of Gus' mind. Or maybe both. Or, it's possible his family is completely invisible.
Whatever the case may be, I didn't have a specific 'idea' for this in mind when I wrote it, and odds are that I'll never, ever touch on this subject again (especially if Gus appears in the comic again). So, if you think the conclusion you've drawn from this strip is correct, I'm not one to tell you you're wrong ;)
That was quite creepy.
Lancaster should adopt him.
That pulled a heart string, weither delusion or ghost. Poor Gus.
(would like more Gus though)
Awesome <3 its my fave Gus comic. your awesome Bro, this brings back memories
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