Eclipse Technicians

Here's a recent character design I pulled out for small background role in the Lancaster story. Secondary and background characters can be just as important as main ones, and I like having Lancaster's world filled with unique characters who, while their story may never get fleshed out, you can easily imagine one for them.
The Eclipse Tech here is a good example. For the purposes of the story, he'll have very little dialogue and won't ever do anything directly impactful to the story. But his design and what mannerisms he'll display reveal that he's a character unto himself, and that a story could easily be told from his point of view.
As the storyteller, I can control the flow of the story, which can easily make reading kind of boring and just 'something else to do'. But being able to put in these quirky characters turns the comic into a bit more of an interactive experience, and part of what makes writing and drawing Lancaster so much fun.
OOoh. Thanks for the out of the shadows version of this guy. He looks weird, and zany. Yes! In the case of a new character preference poll this shal be my choice! x]
Even though he has next to none chance to actually making an actual meaningful appearance, he's a ghost related scientist! And apparently a crazy one to boot :]
Long live secondary characters, yeah!
Man, did I ever tell you how much I loved his design?
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